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1. Wei Ha & Kelun Lu & Bradley Wo. (2020). “Do Chinese Government Foreign Student Scholarships Target Natural Resources in Africa.” Higher Education Policy 33 (3): 479–509.

2. Wei Ha & Le Kang & Yang Song. (2020). College Matching Mechanisms and Matching Stability: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in China. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. Volume 175, pages 206-226.

3. Dongyang Chen & Wei Ha. (2020). Are Confucius Institutes Building Blocks or Stumbling Blocks for Foreign Students in China: An Empirical Study of 190 Countries (1999–2015). ECNU Review of Education, No Volume 3 Issue 2, pages 235–253.

4. Wei Ha & Renzhe Yu (2019) Quasi-Experimental Evidence of a School Equalization Reform on Housing Prices in Beijing, Chinese Education & Society, 52:3-4, 162-185.

5. Wei Ha & Stanley Ganure Gwavuya & Peter Salam (2018). Can Religion Kill? The Association between Membership of the Apostolic Faith and Child Mortality in Zimbabwe. Journal of Public Health in Africa, vol.9:707, pages 82-87

6. Xiaohao Ding & Wei Ha & Le Kang & W. John Morgan (2018). When Students Become “Prisoners”: A Game Theory Analysis of Internship by Beijing College Students. ECNU Review of Education, Vol.1, No.2, pages 44-73.

7. Wei Ha & Fang Yan (2018). Does Money Matter? The Effects of Block Grants on Education Attainment in Rural China: Evidence from Intercensal Population Survey 2015. International Journal of Educational Development, vol.62, pages 174-183.

8. Wei Ha (2016). Quasi-experimental Evidence of Academic Peer Effects at an Elite University in People’s Republic of China. Asia Pacific Education Review, vol.17, issue.4, pages 703-718.

9. Wei Ha & Junjian Yi & Ye Yuan & Junsen Zhang (2016). The Dynamic Effect of Rural-to-Urban Migration on Inequality in Source Villages: System GMM Estimates from Rural China. China Economic Review, vol.37, pages 27-39.

10. Wei Ha & Junjian Yi & Junsen Zhang (2016). Brain Drain, Brain Gain, and Economic Growth in China. China Economic Review, vol.38, pages 322-337.

11. Wei Ha & Peter Salama & Stanley Gwavuya (2015). The Impact of Orphanhood on Education Attendance: Evidence from Zimbabwe. International Journal of Educational Development, vol.40, pages 59-70.

12. Peter Salama & Wei Ha & Joel Negin & Samson Muradzikwa (2014). Post-crisis Zimbabwe’s Innovative Financing Mechanisms in the Social Sectors: A Practical Approach to Implementing the New Deal for Engagement in Fragile States. BMC International Health and Human Rights, vol.14, issue.1, pages 35.

13. Wei Ha & Peter Salama & Stanley Gwavuya & Chifundo Kanjala (2014). Is Religion the Forgotten Variable in Maternal and Child Health? Evidence from Zimbabwe. Social Science & Medicine, vol.118, pages 80-88.

14. Xiaohao Ding & Suhong Yang & Wei Ha (2013). Trends in the Mincerian Rates of Return to Education in Urban China: 1989-2009. Frontiers of Education in China, vol.8, issue.3, pages 378-397.

15. Wei Ha & Ronald Mendoza (2010). The Intended and Unintended Consequences of Social Protection on School Dropout in Post‐crisis Indonesia. Journal of International Development, vol.22, issue.8, pages 1115-1133.

16.Yusuf Shahid & Nabeshima Kaoru & Wei Ha (2007). Income and Health in Cities: The Messages from Stylized Facts. Journal of Urban Health, vol.84, issue.3(Supplement), pages 35-41.


      1. Wei Ha & Brajesh Panth. Forthcoming. Retrospect and Prospect of University-industry Linkages in Asia. Asian Development Bank

2. Xiaoyang Ye., Wei Ha & Dongyang Chen, (2021). The Financing of Public K-12 Education in China: A 100-Year Road to Adequacy and Equity. Recent Advancements in Education Finance and Policy.

3. Wei Ha & Jingqing Chai & Carlos Alviar. Targeting in Kenya’s Cash Transfer Programme for OVC. Proceedings of the African Economic Conference 2010, pp 387-398.

4. Wei Ha. Hang Together or Fall Apart? Social Capital and Crisis Coping in Indonesia. Risk, Vulnerability and Human Development: On the Brink, Chapter 11, 2009, pp 222-250.

5. Winnie Fung & Wei Ha. Intergenerational Effects of the 1959-61 China Famine. Risk, Shocks, and Human Development: On the Brink, 2010, pp 222-254.

6. Thomas S. Dee & Wei Ha & Brian A. Jacob. The Effects of School Size on Parental Involvement and Social Capital: Evidence from the ELS: 2002. Brookings Papers on Education Policy, Brookings Institution Press, 2006/2007, pp 77-97.


1. Wei Ha . Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on Eastern and Southern African Countries. UNICEF Report. March 2010.


2. Wei Ha as part of Human Development Report 2009 Core Team. 2009. Overcoming Barriers: Human Mobility and Development. New York City: Palgrave Macmillan.


3. Yusuf Shahid & Bhaopichitr Kirida & Nabeshima Kaoru & Zeng Douglas & Luna Jimena & Wei Ha. 2008. Towards a Knowledge Economy in Thailand (English). Washington, DC: World Bank.


4. Wei Ha as part of Human Development Report 2007/2008 Core Team. 2008. Fighting Climate Change: Human Solidarity in a Divided World. New York City: Palgrave Macmillan.


5. Yusuf Shahid & Nabeshima Kaoru & Wei Ha. 2007. What Makes Cities Healthy? (English). Policy, Research working paper, no. WPS 4107. Washington, DC: World Bank.


6. Hong Shen & Wenli Li with Wei Ha and other members of the research team. 2003. A Review of the Student Loans Scheme in China. Bangkok: UNESCO, International Institute for Educational Planning.



1. Ha, Wei. Food Crisis Requires Urgent Action. China Daily. March 28, 2011. pp 8.


2. Ha, Wei. Newcomers vs. Old-timers: Confluence of Current Financial, Food, Energy and Climate Change Crises. China Daily. July 3, 2008. pp 9.  



1. 赵颖(#),哈巍. 分数膨胀:背景、原因和影响[J].清华大学教育研究,2020(6).

2. 张文杰(#),哈巍,朱红.新高考背景下不同阶层学生入学机会变化及学校生涯教育的补偿效应探究——以某双一流大学为例[J].教育发展研究,2020,40(Z1):57-66.

3. 刘叶(#),哈巍. “新机制”对我国东部农村学校教育经费支出的影响——基于东部六省面板数据的实证研究[J].教育科学研究,2020(01):46-54.

4. 哈巍(#),张心悦.科研经费管理政策规范化对高校社科科研经费收入的影响[J].教育经济评论,2019,4(04):22-38.

5. 哈巍(#),邱文琪.“粘住”还是“挤出”?——“中西部高校基础能力建设工程”对地方本科高校教育经费支出的影响研究[J].教育与经济,2019(03):49-55.

6. 哈巍(#)(*), 陈东阳. 孔子学院与来华留学生规模的实证研究——基于135个国家面板数据(2004-2015) [J]. 教育发展研究, 2019, 39(01):55-62.

7. 哈巍(#)(*), 陈东阳. 人才流动与教育红利: 来华留学教育研究综述[J]. 教育学术月刊, 2019(03):55-64.

8. 哈巍(#), 赵颖(*). 教学相“涨”:高校学生成绩和评教分数双重膨胀研究[J]. 社会学研究,2019(01): 84-105.

9. 哈巍(#)(*), 于佳鑫. 辅助人员对科研生产力的影响——以中国科学院为例[J]. 华东师范大学学报(教育科学版), 2019(01): 83-94+168.

10. 哈巍(#)(*), 占雯燕. “985工程”对高校本科生源的影响评估[J].北京大学教育评论,2018,16(04):65-78+185.

11. 哈巍(#)(*), 陈东阳. 挑战与转型: 来华留学教育发展模式转变探究[J].中国高教研究, 2018(12): 59-64.

12. 哈巍(#)(*), 刘叶. “新机制”是否促进了义务教育的完成?——基于我国中西部地市级数据的实证研究[J]. 中国教育学刊, 2018(11): 62-69.

13. 哈巍(#)(*), 罗蕴丰, 吕利丹. 义务教育事业发展的中国经验(1978-2018)[J]. 南京师大学报(社会科学版), 2018(06): 31-39.

14. 哈巍(#)(*), 刘叶. “新机制”政策对教育支出的影响——基于中国农村省级面板数据的实证研究[J]. 教育经济评论, 2018, 3(04): 45-63.

15. 哈巍(#)(*), 罗蕴丰. 新建校区会吸引更多更好的学生吗——基于北京高校在津招生数据的实证研究[J]. 教育发展研究, 2018, 38(11): 11-17+26.

16. 哈巍(#)(*), 罗蕴丰, 徐晓雯. 义教工程,成效几何——基于“国家贫困地区义务教育工程”一期的影响分析[J]. 清华大学教育研究, 2018, 39(03): 84-92.

17. 哈巍(#)(*), 靳慧琴. 教育经费与学区房溢价——以北京市为例[J]. 教育与经济, 2018, 34(01): 35-41.

18. 哈巍(#)(*), 卢可伦, 康乐. 中国对非洲国家的教育援助是否具有能源导向?[J].复旦教育论坛, 2018, 16(02): 5-13.

19. 鲍威(#), 哈巍(*), 闵维方, 吴红斌, 万蜓婷, 邓尚律. “985工程”对中国高校国际学术影响力的驱动效应评估[J]. 教育研究, 2017, 38(09): 61-69.

20. 哈巍(#)(*), 陈晓宇, 刘叶, 张子衿. 中国农村义务教育经费体制改革四十年回顾[J]. 教育学术月刊, 2017(12): 3-11.

21. 李兰(#), 哈巍(*). “百人计划”对中科院科研生产力的影响(1993-2004)[J].清华大学教育研究, 2017, 38(05): 27-34.

22. 哈巍(#), 余韧哲(*). 学校改革,价值几何——基于北京市义务教育综合改革的“学区房”溢价估计[J]. 北京大学教育评论, 2017, 15(03): 137-153+191.

23. 刘彦林(#), 哈巍(*). 中职免学费政策实施效果评估[J]. 教育发展研究, 2017, 37(21): 58-66.

24. 杨晋(#), 哈巍(*), 伍银多. 财力性转移支付对县域义务教育支出的影响——基于西部县级数据的分析[J]. 教育学术月刊, 2017(07): 13-22.

25. 杨晋(#), 哈巍(*). 新机制改革对义务教育经费支出水平及其结构的影响研究——基于中西部县级短面板数据的估计[J]. 教育发展研究, 2017, 37(08):46-55.

26. 康乐(#), 冯昕瑞, 哈巍(*). 政府奖学金院校名录对自费留学生的信号作用[J].教育与经济, 2017(01): 87-96.

27. 康乐(#), 哈巍(*). 高考志愿填报改革对录取匹配质量的影响[J]. 北京大学教育评论, 2016, 14(01):105-125+191.

28. 哈巍(#), 吴红斌(*), 余韧哲. 学区房溢价新探——基于北京市城六区重复截面数据的实证分析[J]. 教育与经济, 2015(05): 3-10.

29. 哈巍(#)(*). 谁来为高等教育付费——高等教育成本补偿的国际比较[J]. 教育发展研究, 2002(03): 69-73.


1. 哈巍,陈东阳. 法德日国际学生教育投入的比较与思考.光明日报-教育周刊,2019年7月30日,第13-15版.


1. 哈巍(#)(*). 2005. 教育券能否在中国生根[M]//何静莹等. 国际视野与中国国情的结合——哈佛16位学人的中国梦. 北京: 北京出版社, 46-66.

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